Saturday, April 25, 2009

Day 26 Update

Saturday 25 April

Daniel remains in the hospital today. The doctors have switched to an oral antibiotic to fight the infection in his liver. Aubrey says he is looking much better.


  1. Mendy and Aubrey,
    Daniel and your whole family continue to be in our prayers. We were out of town, but glad to hear the updates. We love your family.

    Leslie & David Smoot

  2. Daniel: please rest and let your liver heal------when we go down the River I do not want to do all the paddleing.


  3. Thank God for the PH which we hold. We can never forget where all this magic comes from. We love you all so much and continuously pray for all of you.

    Craig, Sherlene, Jason, Michaela, Austin, Scott, and Sammy

  4. Daniel,
    I am so glad to hear that you are home again. Take it easy, rest and enjoy relaxing. The scriptures are my way of keeping my mind off of pain, suffering ... okay maybe not keeping your mind off of your sufferings, but they do a good job of putting things into perspective. Once your are well, I'm sure the Lord has a work for you to do, so enjoy your rest while you can. We love you and have hope, faith and prayers for you, your parents and family. Keep up the good positive work your doing in healing.
    Love, Aunt Kristy
    P.S. Please remove my numbers in the previous post. I don't want the world to know them - maybe it's too late. Family can have them of course.
