Saturday, April 4, 2009

Day 5: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Saturday 4 April, 4:30 pm MST

Daniel isn't doing so well right now. He is turning "green" (in Aubrey's words), so the doctors have determined that he is filling up internally with bile (due to the liver damage from his accident). He is in a LOT of pain. The plan is to take Daniel back in for another surgery today, but they are waiting for an operating room to become available. Sorry this is all so sketchy, but Aubrey will call back with more specific details after talking with the doctor again.

Aubrey said to tell everyone that these kinds of setbacks are to be expected and that the trauma doctors warned them up front not to get too caught up in the minute by minute of Daniel's recovery, but to look at his progress as a whole.

Since all of the people checking this blog site are Daniel's family and friends, we have tried to give you a picture of what is going on (as soon as we know ourselves) as if you were here in the waiting room or on the phone with Aubrey or Mendy. In that spirit, we will share with you a brief incident that just occurred. One of the nurses who is in charge of Daniel's care today missed the fact that Daniel's morphine had run out. Also, when Aubrey noticed that Daniel was turning green, he pointed this out to the nurse, who said, "Oh that is just the florescent lights." In both cases the nurses were wrong. So Aubrey, out of concern for Daniel getting appropriate and timely care, whipped out his list of professional friends and said to Daniel, "I'm calling a doctor." To which Daniel replied, "A doctor nothing.... Call the Lawyers!!!" (there are two lawyers on Aubrey's list). Daniel obviously still has a lot of spunk left in him.

We will update the blog regarding the impending surgery and Daniel's condition just as soon as Aubrey calls with the details. We know everyone is concerned, and we will keep you in the loop to the best of our ability.


  1. you are doing an awesome job of keeping everyone in the loop... thanks soo much

  2. Tell Daniel I've got some lawyers I can let him borrow! :-) It's good to hear he's still got his sense of humor!

  3. Daniel,

    Hope the surgery has come and gone and was a success. We also hope that the temperature has gone down along with the pain. Good to hear you are alert, very aware, and willing to express your concerns. We also believe that it is a miracle. Keep up the good work. Always in our prayers ...
    Stan, Donna, Benjamin, Daniel, Jonathan, Rebecca, and Elizabeth
