Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 16 Update

Below is a new letter from Aubrey, written today, Wednesday 15 April, 8:24 am MST:

Daniel's being at home has not been as comfortable as Daniel anticipated. Yesterday, he heard his pelvis crack as he was maneuvering the stairs. We're scheduling another X-ray this morning. In spite of his discomfort, he is managing to carefully go up and down the stairs. Either Grandma Wadsworth, Christine, or his mom has been by his side 24-7, ready and willing to care for his needs. He barks out the orders, but always says "thanks". His physical therapists showed up at 10:00am, but I haven't heard their report. I failed to mention that his Easter dinner request was to have my enchiladas and chocolate chip cookies. He said the enchiladas were the best I had ever made, but we must remember that he hadn't eaten for 12 days. The cookies got a "thumbs up", but his lack of verbal expression told me that they weren't quite up to par. When his aunt Cindy was visiting last year for his homecoming from Russia, I made my famed cookies at a friend's cabin we were staying at. Her comment was, "these are almost as good as Pepperidge Farms". I've gotten a lot of mileage out of that one. Last night Mendy made her wonderful pork chop casserole. I wish there was another word for casserole, because it was anything but that. I've grown up with too many trying memories of "Relief Society" casseroles.

I came across this quote, which conveys our thoughts to wards all those who have, and continue to exercise their concern, faith, prayers, energy, kindness, and love toward our family, and especially in behalf of Daniel. We have witnessed the miraculous results of these combined efforts and are the blessed beneficiaries.

"I have spoken . . . of heavenly help, of angels dispatched to bless us in time of need. But when we speak of those who are instruments in the hand of God, we are reminded that not all angels are (sent) from(Heaven)... Some of them we walk with and talk with—here, now, every day. Some of them reside in our own neighborhoods... Indeed heaven never seems closer than when we see the love of God manifested in the kindness and devotion of people so good and so pure that angelic is the only word that comes to mind."

Jeffrey R. Holland

With much love and gratitude for bringing our boy home, whole and back to himself again.
The road to recovery will continue for a long time. Please continue your prayers and concern in his behalf.


Aubrey and Mendy


  1. My name is James Lechtenberg, and i'm in Daniel's EMT Basic class at the U of U. I just wanted Daniel to know that we're all thinking of him and wishing him the best with his recovery.

  2. i don't know why but i feel the need to tell you guys that we all love you in almost every post ... lol...

    so once again.. love you guys... so happy daniels getting better....

  3. Aburey, I'm sure your chocolate chip cookies are awesome!! Happy to hear you're doing better Dan!! Keep it up!! Ps, the weather is staying pretty ugly so no worries about being inside!!! :-)

  4. I came to see you at the hospital on Tuesday afternoon and you were not there. I was hoping you were able to go home. Hope all is getting better each day.
    B.J. Fullmer
