Friday, April 3, 2009

Day 4: New Letter from Aubrey

Bill, Mendy and I are both very touched by your and Claudia's developing the blog site for us, and Daniel. People constantly ask how they can help and there is not usually a way, but your blog site was something that is of great value to our family.

A doctor offered Mendy his parking pass, right by the doors and that as well was welcomed. Another doctor reads and reviews Daniel's stats daily. Another friend is the director of the nursing school and visits and evaluates his condition and care daily. Another works in the hospital and her good friend will be Daniel's physical therapy nurse. Another is fasting and yet another has said she is great at managing the nursing care and "cracking the whip". Baskets of fruit, reading material, snacks, health bars, and even tooth paste and brushes for each of us have been brought to us. Food and thoughtful gifts of love are left at our doorstep, to come home to. Two have offered their legal help, and many, many have offered to stay by Daniel's bedside throughout the night. Groups of family have gathered in homes to pray and encourage us. I have replayed phone messages that have been very touching and comforting to me personally.

To this point I have totally trusted in the doctors' advice and approach to his care; however, several have shared their personal perspectives of their past experiences with medical attention, which is helping me be more responsible with our decisions and influencing my need to pay closer attention to scrutiny.

Expressed prayers, faith, and words of comfort and understanding are very impressionable. Attention to our boys and their needs, offers of beds for our out of town relatives, and on and on. These are the things that will be of most value to us, and we cannot thank everyone enough. We cannot overemphasize how we feel about each of your expressions of love, kindness, genuine care, and helpful attentions to our family. Everyone...everyone, is interested in helping.

We love you very much, and would welcome a much needed ROOK game, ANYTIME you are up to it. It does a great deal to divert my anxiety. You know me as well as anyone and understand that I can become overwhelmed with a lot of noise and people all gathered together in one room. I become reclusive and need my space, so I find an empty room to collect my thoughts and decompress. People seem to be very sensitive to that and seem to know at just the right time, when to show up and what to say. We are overwhelmed with love.


Editor's note: Among our extended family, Rook is the ultimate panacea for stress during difficult times, and is a favorite form of recreation and camaraderie. Aubrey's anxiety was diverted by a Rook game last night at the hospital primarily because he defeated his opponents (this editor included) .... overwhelmingly.


  1. The Ohio gang's notified, so more prayers are on the way.Love TAD and Matt

  2. My husband and I are in the branch presidency at Primary Children's and work closely with the branch at the U Hospital, so I just wanted to let the Conner's know that there is a sacrament service on Sunday (only a half an hour, come as you are) on the 2nd floor in The Hope Chapel. If they're not able to make it (or break away for 30 minutes), they can request the sacrament be brought to their room (or the waiting room), so that they don't have to miss out on that. If you need anything from the branch, or need to request a blessing or the sacrament, they can call the Hospital Chaplain at 801-587-9064 who can get in touch with the LDS reps. I went to school and worked with Daniel and am related to the Carter's. Praying for you all! --Noelle

  3. Ok for some reason prior to right now I couldn't post a comment from my computer but it looks like I am up and running. Aubrey and Family (Including Daneils soon to be wife), I just wanted to let you know how much we love you and we pray for Daniel everyday. It is espically touching to hear Sydney & Ryan pray for him with our help. I haven't called as I am sure you are getting hit with many calls and e-mails. I know you will ask if you need anything, but we are here if you need us. Having mom (Norma) there will help she was a BIG help to me after I broke my neck. Daneil is one of the strongest kids phycally and mentally I have ever met and I have NO DOUBT he will pull through and be evern stronger after this is all over. I remember when I went to visit Bill during his hospital stay I was still in my halo and the nurse looked at me after finding out we were brothers and said "What in the heck is up with your familey". Love you and we will be up in the next few weeks. Ben & Mattie Wadsworth.

  4. Hey Daniel I really wish I could be there with you right now. Monica has a bit of a cold and I don't want to risk coming up and getting you or your family sick. But I will be there for Easter for soon. Seeing your pictures is bringing flashbacks of my surgery a few years ago and remembering how the support of family is what gets you through times like these. If there was one thing I wish I would have done that would be writing down the experience as it happened. This will be one of the most trying times in your life, but you will grow as a person in ways you didn't know you could. And later in life I know you will want to look back on all of this and remember what you were going through. I love you Daniel and I hope if there is anything I can do for you that you let me know. Keep getting better and I will see you soon.

  5. once again i will just tell you all how much i love you i can't think of much more to say i think everyone is covering everything .... as i read all of the comments about daniel it brings tears to my eyes i wish we could all be there... we love you

  6. Daniel!
    I'm so sorry I haven't been able to come see you yet (even though I know I can't really visit you in person) but I want you to know that I love you SO MUCH and I think about you all day and you are always in my thoughts and my prayers. Knowing you, I am sure the lack of physical activity (besides the pain of course) is really a struggle but you are such a trooper and I know you are going to pull through magnificently and amaze us all! I am so sorry you are in pain but just know that I love you and I am there in spirit. If you need a pick-me-up just pull out one of the hundreds of funny stories about our crazy family from your memory and I am sure that will lift your always does mine. :) Love you bud.


    p.s. Please, if you can get well enough by next week for me to visit you, I have to give a Spanish presentation and it would be wonderful to skip out on that and see you instead. ;) Haha love you!

    p.p.s. Christine I love you too and if you need ANYTHING you know you can call me! I know school is getting really crazy on top of everything so just know you can call if you need something.

  7. ooops I forgot Mendy and Aub...I love you both so much, I know you know it but I just wanted to remind you both. What great examples of faith you are to us all; it never ceases to amaze me how strong you both are in every challenge that comes along. Daniel couldn't have better parents.:)
    Love you guys.
