Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 2: No more tube for "Trauma Bobsled"

Thumb's Up

"I'm OK

Wednesday (Day 2) began with Daniel getting an upgrade in technology -- a pencil and paper to communicate instead of palm writing (while the rest of us think we can not live without our laptops).

By the end of Day 2 Daniel and his family get an even bigger (surprise) upgrade -- no more ventilator tube! Daniel can talk now, albeit it very quietly.

The removal of the tube means less pain meds (to insure proper lung inflation), but "Trauma Bobsled" continues to be tough and resolute.

Day 2 also marked the "official" end of Daniel's code name, Trauma Bobsled. When Daniel was admitted to the ER on Day 1, the hospital gave him a code name to protect his identity while he was in such critical condition. No one was allowed to see him or get an update from the hospital without this code. By the end of Day 2, Daniel had progressed enough that the hospital removed the code. But we (the editors of this blog) think the name Trauma Bobsled is sorta cool and kind of fits our rock climbing, "former" Bullet bike wielding nephew. So you will undoubtedly see the name Trauma Bobsled resurface again on this blog site.

Incidentally, if you happen to observe a fairly hip looking late-middle-aged lady roaming the halls of the ICU in the middle of the night -- that would be Daniel's grandmother (Norma), who has taken up residence at the hospital. One of Daniel's greatest cravings is for water. He is not allowed to drink (due to the lung issues) and can only have very limited lip moistening. At last report, Grandma had promised to come to Daniel's room every half hour throughout the night to swab his lips.

Daniel still has a long road (and several surgeries) ahead of him and the critical nature of his condition is not over. There is a risk of infection and blood clots. His liver, which is extremely fragile, could begin bleeding again from just a sudden movement. But Daniel and his family feel peace and are sustained by (in Uncle Larry's words) "the best Dr. in the universe -- GOD -- the great Doctor". They are very grateful to everyone for your continued faith and prayers, and for your kind messages.

We will continue to update you with Daniel's progress on this blog site.

PS -- Please leave your comments for Daniel or Aubrey and Mendy by clicking on the word "comments" at the end of any update entry. Daniel and his family love reading your greetings, your words of support and encouragement, and anything else you want to share with them.

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