Sunday, April 12, 2009

Day 13: Easter Sunday

Sunday 12 April, 12:30 pm MST

We had planned a visit with Daniel after church this morning, but his pain is back in full force. Daniel did not eat breakfast and when Aubrey arrived at the hospital this morning, T-Bob was pretty much out of it. Finally the nurses "knocked him out" (in Aubrey's words).

We hope to be able to go to the hospital and check on Daniel later today. Aubrey spent a lot of time cooking Easter dinner for Daniel and fixing Easter baskets for Daniel and Alex (sorry Stephen and Geoffrey, but when you move away from home, some of the percs evaporate). So, we may not be able to take pictures of Daniel eating his Easter dinner, but after all that work on Aubrey's part, there WILL be a picture of the Easter basket.

Happy Easter.

1 comment:

  1. Daniel - we just found out about this website today. We are so glad to hear, and see, that you are doing well. Keep up the good work.

    P.S. We didn't know that you were engaged - CONGRATS!!!

    Clark, Melissa, and Samantha Burbidge
