Sunday, August 30, 2009

Reception - Part 1

The following pictures are an amateur attempt at sharing with you scenes from Daniel and Christine's wedding reception. A professional photographer was present to cover the event. No doubt once those pictures are available, the happy couple will post them somewhere for all to view. At that time, we will provide a link to the professional photos from Daniel and Christine's wedding and reception -- along with a link to Geoff and Kelsey's wedding/reception.

Click on any picture to view a larger image.

- The Editing Staff

Everything is set and ready for the guests to arrive

The Wedding Cake

The Bride and Groom have arrived

Prince Charming and Cinderella welcome their guests

Well you have to admit, she does look like a beautiful Cinderella



  2. Bill, thank you so much for posting these lovely photos from the wedding. What a celebration!!! Give everyone a big hug from Boe and me.

  3. Brother Dear,

    You've done it again! WHY oh WHY did you and Aubrey get ALL of the skills in the family? I LOVE the shots taken at the temple too... they are ALL so beautiful!

    Love, Karen :-)

  4. dear bill still can't post on the blog but the pictures were great - feel like I was there. I wish them a healthy and happy marriage. please pass this along. thanks for keeping up with this for all the family and I understand you have a day like this coming up soon in your family. love you all and wish we were closer.

    love harrianne

    (from an e-mail sent by Harrianne Thompson)
